Sadness but not Despair

February 13, 2008

cadence-015.jpgRecently I read an article in “Guideposts” December 2005 entitled -When Life Goes On- by Vicki Strong.  It told the story of hearing the news of her son being killed while serving in Iraq and the grief that followed.  I could so identify with this mother’s grief.  She ended her article with words that really touched my heart.  “His grace has been sufficient for our every need.  Our pain has never exceeded His comfort and care. And only with Him at my side, can my life go on. Yes, in sadness.  But never despair.”  During Cadence’s life the sadness sometimes almost overwhelmed me but I saw and felt God comforting me through my friends and family.  Someone would bring a meal just when I needed it.  Someone would send a card or call just when I needed it.  Cadence would give me one of her million dollar smiles just when I needed it.  Never once did I feel forgotten or forlorn.  I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was working through these dear people to provide for our every need.  We had a team working with us to raise money to provide for my daughter’s needs while she was living in Cincinnati waiting on the transplant.  I was amazed at the outpouring of love from the community around us.  Cadence touched many, many lives.  People from all around the world were praying for her and us.  In the end God healed her in a different way that I wanted, but He performed a miracle of healing in the instant she died and joined Him in heaven.  I would be lying if I didn’t admit that the pain after she died was sometimes almost unbearable.  I longed to see her smile and have her cuddle in my arms, yet I knew because of my faith that God was in control and His plan was being worked out in our lives.  Sadness yes, but never despair.  Sometimes I wonder how people survive this world without God.  I believe it is impossible, yet many try.  I’ve attached a picture of Cadence to this post.  How could anyone deny the existence of God when they look into the face of this beautiful child that God so graciously allowed to be part of my life. 

One Response to “Sadness but not Despair”

  1. Tracey Says:

    What a beautifully correct way of wording your grief-Sadness but not dispair. I see almost everyday people who live without the joy of knowing where they will wake up if they died that minute. How wonderful that even thru the tragic times your had- you knew there was our Heavenly Father alongside you who understands that loss you feel b/c he too experienced it with His Son.

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