Why return to this blog now, 5/21/13

May 21, 2013

Last Friday I sat on a panel to discuss medical crises from the patient’s or family member’s viewpoint in order to help nursing students be sensitive and more inclined to be an advocate for a patient and their family.  I shared my story about Cadence and all her hospitalizations.  Even thought it’s been almost 7 years since she died, the sorrow and grief welled up in my as I tried to articulate the many good and bad things that happened while we were journeying through her life.  Unexpected tears came to my eyes as I tried to share her story.

But I think it was much more than that,  we’ve experienced so much lost in the last seven years.  My oldest daughter has had two miscarriages since Cadence died.  The first was the day after Cadence was buried.  My daughter-in-law has had three miscarriages in the last 12 months.  Whew, a lot of grief in all of that.  One thing I am sure about is that God understands my grief.  He turned his back on His Son so that I might live.  His plan allows me and all who believe to spend eternity worshiping Him.  I sometimes try to imagine my 5 grandchildren playing with delight with Cadence around Jesus’ feet.  It’s a beautiful sight.  Grief has drawn me closer to God into a more intimate relationship with Him that I would most likely never experienced if grief hadn’t been my companion.

My daughter-in-law is pregnant right now and doing well.  My daughter has had twins since her last miscarriage.  My daughter, the mother of Cadence, is married and happy.  All is well because God is Good.

One Response to “Why return to this blog now, 5/21/13”

  1. Laura Berry Says:

    Sometimes it takes time to process everything going on in our lives. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. God is good, always. And he is always there each and every hour. So glad to hear how well everyone is doing.

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